Spanish Valencià English


  1. Internship processing
  2. Internship modification
  3. Internship rescission
  4. Recognition of internship abroad under «Other Legal Frameworks»
  5. Documentation delivery
  6. Following steps


Instructions for the processing of internships in Spain / abroad

Place of delivery: ETSID Internships Office

1.    Internship processing – CALCULATE YOUR INTERNSHIP

You must deliver the following documentation with a minimum of 10 NATURAL DAYS (30 if it is a internship abroad) before the start of the internship:

INTERNSHIP AGREEMENT: The «Internship Calculator» helps you to plan your internship and to generate the «Internship Agreement«. A copy of the generated agreement will be presented, with the original signature of all participants and the seal of the company, at least 10 NATURAL DAYS before the start of the same, if the internship is abroad, this period is extended to 30 DAYS NATURAL

Internship which start between JULY 26th and SEPTEMBER 10th, the month of AUGUST is non-workable. The internships which start between July 26th and September 10th, must be delivered no later than the 16th of July.

For completing the documentation, you need a tutor in ETSID – UPV, please contact one of your teachers to consult availability.

You will also need the company will provide data from a Tutor in the Company and the list of activities during the internship which will make your Training Project.


  • In NO CASE it will be possible to formalize an internship once initiated, or to process a internship delivered after the beginning of the same.
  • The deadline for delivery of the documentation appears on the third sheet of the internship agreement, if you deliver the documentation after that date we do not assure you that it can be processed in time.
  • It is your responsibility to register for the necessary credits to do the internship, if you are not enrolled, your practice can not be processed

2.   Internship Modification

If during the development of your internship, you have to modify the initial conditions: duration, dedication, economic pocket, tutors, training project, … You must present an original of this MODIFICATION document, completed on computer, with the original signature of all the participants and the seal of the company, at least 10 NATURAL DAYS before the date on which the modification is to take effect.

3.   Internship rescission

If for a justified reason you have to interrupt your internship, you must submit a completed copy to the computer of the RESCISSION document, with the original signature (s) and the seal of the company. It is recommended to present it at least 10 NATURAL DAYS before the rescission of the internship.

4.   Recognition of internship abroad under «Other Legal Frameworks»

If you get a internship in the FOREIGN COUNTRY under an existing legal framework, Iaeste, …  Consult the possibility of making the Request for Prior Recognition Agreement, through which and always with a prior character, the possibility that it can be recognized as a internship in company.

5.   Documentation delivery

The documentation has to be delivered in general in the office of the Subdirectorate of Relations with Companies of the ETSID, in specific cases, derived from special agreements such as Ford, Santander or Consellerías, it will be delivered directly in the SIE, in this case, you will be previously informed.

6.   Following steps

  • The documentation is sent to the SIE for the Vice Chancellor for Employment and Entrepreneurship to sign it by delegation of the Rector of the UPV
  • Once the documentation has been signed, the UPV sends by e-mail to the Company / Institution, the two tutors and the student a code to access the authentic copy of your internship (when you start the internshipyou will also have access to the agreement through your intranet in the section Services> Integrated employment service> Evaluation of internships
  • Once your practice is finished and after you have completed the COMPULSORY reports, you will be able to obtain the Proof of the end of internship.