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The requirements for the access to the training period of the PhD are, basically, the same as for the access to a Master: to have a official University degree.

The academic Committee of the doctoral program is responsible for the selection and admission of candidates process. This selection is held based on a table that prevail mainly the academic record of the applicants and in the affinity of their studies earlier with the content of the Master in the frame of which is go to study the period training. The Commission shall decide, for those students who have deficiencies in some basic materials, which subjects are taken compulsorily.

These general criteria can be complemented with nuances or variations specific to each one of the specialty of the doctorate. Can found additional information about the specific criteria of each specialty by visiting the web pages of their corresponding masters:


Any another training not included in the previous list will be considered by the Commission academic of the program (CAP), that in its case will establish if the student must complete his training academic before start their doctoral thesis.

For the admission to the program, the applicant must have necessarily backed by a doctor of the doctoral program in design, manufacture and management of industrial projects in which manifest himself to direct the doctoral thesis of the applicant. If the director of the applicant was not educational personnel and researcher associated with the program, must additionally submit a guarantee of a tutor who if were. This guarantee represents the commitment of the director to have the necessary funding to develop research on the doctoral thesis, as well as its commitment to the education of the student to achieve the competencies established by the program. The applicant also must provide the rest of documentation required of form general by the University, as well as the justification of their academic merits.

The CAP will assess the academic record, the training and experience of the applicant, reflected in his resume for his admission, in relation to the number of vacancies available for the realization of the doctoral program in any of the research lines of the program.

For those students who do not have related training to the program, the CAP will establish, to suggestion of the tutor of the thesis that complementary training which is needed for developing the activity of the program. The tutor shall seek, where appropriate, the opinion of the director of the thesis, if not the same. The training available in the masters of the UPV associated to the program presents the features suitable as complements of training, if this outside necessary.